BLAST is about change and relationship. Change happens through building relationships in prison, through-the-gate and into the community. Students on BLAST programmes, develop new ways of thinking about themselves, by confronting their past and developing new perspectives on their future. BLAST also teaches life and employability skills for effective resettlement.
All this is done within a co-operative, open and creative learning environment where relationships are valued and students feel confident to plan their future, with the benefit of ongoing mentoring support from people they have come to trust.
Our BLAST Transform or BLASThrough Programmes…
BLASThrough Programmes…
BLAST’s ‘TRANSFORM Programme’ is divided into three parts, each designed to address specific aspect or needs of each student/inmates life, including:
• BLAST Transform Programme
• BLASThrough Programme - Employability & Enterprise
• BLAST Resettlement Support – This begins in prison with an assigned prison caseworker who remain engaged with graduates throughout, based on individual needs.
Typical Support BLAST provides, includes:
• Meet at the Gate – studies show that prisoners who are met at the gate (Caseworker or Staff) are 37% less likely to re-offend.
• Resettlement ‘Kit-BAG’ – basic initial “survival bag” if needed; contains toiletries, underwear, jacket, other essential clothes as needed etc; We can also help to procure tools for trades, through our network of supporters.
• Relationship Work & Mediation – family and relationship restoration support work as needed or as permissible.
May include “Restorative Justice Conferencing” (if appropriate). This helps victims of crime to gain closure on the crime perpetrated on them and to allow the victim to ask questions directly to the offender.
• Accommodation Support – Partners include: Nehemiah, Langley House Trust, Betel, and Trinity …
• Dependencies Programme Support – BLAST Partner organisations provide support for those wishing to move from their substance dependency through partners Nehemiah, Betel etc…
bLASThrough Modules
• Building Relationships
• ‘Dreaming Dreams’ to create a Vision for your Business idea
• Assess Your Ability to Run a Business (not everyone can or should run a business)
• Developing Your Business Idea/Concept
• Estimate Financial Needs for Your Business
• Prepare & Produce a Plan for Your Business
• Know yourself and how to deal with others..
Each component is designed to support students and provide them with capabilities that enable or achieve sustained employment either through delivery of Business, Life and Skills .
All BLAST programmes - are designed to enable learners obtain all the skills & qualifications needed to sustain their successful reintegration into society, following release from prison.
BLAST commits to working with any of our students for as long as they need; but for a minimum of 12 months following release or until the graduates decides they no longer need BLASTS support.
Blasthrough Pilot
Find out more about the success of the Blasthrough Programme through the eyes of our students, volunteers and mentors.